From a bimbler to a runner
By Dave Roberts
on February 23, 2011 No ratings yet.
Posted in Blog, Trail Runningbeginners, running, trail running
From a bimbler to a runner
While some of you may already be aware of the Walk Eryri website, that has been about the more sedate activity of walking up to now. Part of the reason, I suppose, that the site has been so quiet over the last year is that I’ve been struggling with this running malarkey. I think, during the last 18 months, if there’s an injury to be picked up, I’ve managed it. From shin splints, runners knee and a permanent crepitus in the knee (must be the same etymology as decrepit). Finally, i think, I’m getting to the point where I can manage a decent distance every week and hopefully I can build up the ascent. For if I’ve learnt two things, they’re:
1 – Running is an activity undertaken between injuries.
2 – Fell Running is incredibly hard (especially so if you’re running with more extra weight than the average runner weighs in total) You could add a third – that it’s difficult to find some images to represent ‘running’, so here’s a token image.
A few routes on Walk Eryri (soon to be placed on Mud and Routes) lend themselves to running: Around Llyn Padarn – classic run. Lon Gwyrfai, with a diversion over an old track (hopefully it won’t get tarmacked) Llynnoedd Crafnant and Geirionnydd – a challenging, but classic trail run!
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