Furth Munros

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no. Summit Height in Metres Height in Feet Mountain Range Routes to Summit
1 Snowdon – Yr Wyddfa 1085 3560 Snowdon
2 Crib y Ddysgl 1065 3494 Snowdon
3 Carnedd Llewelyn 1064 3491 The Carneddau
4 Carnedd Dafydd 1044 3425 The Carneddau
5 Carrauntoohil [Corran Tuathail] 1038.6 3407 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
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  • 6 Beenkeragh [Binn Chaorach] 1008.2 3308 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
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  • 7 Glyder Fawr 1000.8 3283 Glyderau
    8 Caher [Cathair] 1000 3281 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
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  • 9 Glyder Fach 994.3 3262 Glyderau
    10 Cnoc na Peiste [Knocknapeasta] 988 3241 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
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  • 11 Pen yr Ole Wen 978 3209 Carneddau
    12 Scafell Pike 978 3209 Lake District - Southern Fells
    13 Foel Grach 976 3202 Carneddau
    14 Caher West Top 973.4 3194 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
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  • 15 Maolan Bui 973 3192 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
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  • 16 Scafell 964 3163 Lake District - Southern Fells
    17 Yr Elen 962 3156 Carneddau
    18 Cnoc an Chuillinn 958 3143 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
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  • 19 Na Cnamha [The Bones Peak] 956.5 3138 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
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  • 20 Brandon Mountain [Cnoc Breanainn] 951.7 3122 Brandon Group
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  • 21 Helvellyn 950 3117 Lake District - Eastern Fells
    22 Y Garn (Glyderau) 947 3107 Glyderau
    23 Foel-fras (Carneddau) 942 3091 Carneddau
    24 The Big Gun [An Gunna Mor] 939 3081 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
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  • 25 Ill Crag 935 3068 Lake District - Southern Fells
    26 Broad Crag 934 3064 Lake District - Southern Fells
    27 Cruach Mhor 932 3058 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
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  • 28 Skiddaw 931 3054 Lake District - Northern Fells
    29 Garnedd Uchaf (Carnedd Gwenllian) 926 3038 Carneddau
    30 Lugnaquilla [Lugnaquillia Mountain] [Log na Coille] 925 3035 Dublin/Wicklow
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  • 31 Elidir Fawr 924 3031 Glyderau
    32 Crib Goch 923 3028 Snowdon
    33 Galtymore [Cnoc Mor na nGaibhlte] 917.9 3011 Galty Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 34 Tryfan 917.5 3010 Glyderau

    Data with Acknowledgement – Database of British and Irish Hills

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

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    Llwytmor and Foel Fras from Aber

    Foel-fras (Carneddau)

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau


    Scafell is a summit in the Lake District – Southern Fells region or range in England. Scafell is 964 metres high. All the walking routes up Scafell on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the cairn on rock N of windshelter. Other Notes: . Scafell is a child

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

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    Crib Goch

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Ill Crag

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    Foel Grach

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Broad Crag

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    Yr Elen

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    Carrauntoohil [Corran Tuathail]

    Carrauntoohil [Corran Tuathail]

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    Cambrian Way Stage 18 – Ogwen to Conwy

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

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    Cnoc na Peiste [Knocknapeasta] Read More »

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Caher West Top

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    Carnedd Llewelyn

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Maolan Bui

    Maolan Bui is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Kerry, Ireland. Maolan Bui is 973 metres high with a prominence of 41 metres. The summit can be identified by: cairn Additional Notes: Height/Drop/Col position from Harvey Map All the walks up Maolan Bui on Mud and Routes can be seen above.

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    Garnedd Uchaf (Carnedd Gwenllian)

    Garnedd Uchaf [Carnedd Gwenllian] is a summit in the Carneddau region or range in Wales, United Kingdom of Great Britain. Garnedd Uchaf [Carnedd Gwenllian] is 926 metres high. All the walking routes up Garnedd Uchaf [Carnedd Gwenllian] on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the rock outcrop. Other

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Na Cnamha [The Bones Peak]

    Na Cnamha [The Bones Peak] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Kerry, Ireland. Na Cnamha [The Bones Peak] is 956.5 metres high with a prominence of 37.2 metres. The summit can be identified by: grass-covered outcrop Additional Notes: All the walks up Na Cnamha [The Bones Peak] on Mud and

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