
Summit number and other details are hidden as your screen is too narrow. If on a smartphone, turn the phone into landscape mode to see more information

no. Summit Height in Metres Height in Feet Mountain Range Routes to Summit
1 Carrauntoohil [Corran Tuathail] 1038.6 3407 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 2 Beenkeragh [Binn Chaorach] 1008.2 3308 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 3 Caher [Cathair] 1000 3281 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 4 Cnoc na Peiste [Knocknapeasta] 988 3241 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 5 Caher West Top 973.4 3194 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 6 Maolan Bui 973 3192 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 7 Cnoc an Chuillinn 958 3143 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 8 Brandon Mountain [Cnoc Breanainn] 951.7 3122 Brandon Group
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 9 The Big Gun [An Gunna Mor] 939 3081 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 10 Cruach Mhor 932 3058 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 11 Lugnaquilla [Lugnaquillia Mountain] [Log na Coille] 925 3035 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 12 Galtymore [Cnoc Mor na nGaibhlte] 917.9 3011 Galty Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 13 Knockbrinnea (W) [Knockbrinnea] [Cnoc Broinne (Thiar)] 854 2802 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 14 Stumpa Barr na hAbhann [Skregmore East Top] 852.1 2796 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 15 Baurtregaum [Barr Tri gCom] 851 2792 Slieve Mish
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 16 Slieve Donard [Sliabh Donairt] 850 2789 Mourne Mountains
    17 Mullaghcleevaun [Mullach Cliabhain] 849 2785 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 18 Skregmore [Screig Mhor] 847.7 2781 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 19 Cnoc na Toinne 845 2772 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 20 Brandon Peak [Barr an Ghearain] 840 2756 Brandon Group
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 21 Mangerton [An Mhangarta] 838.2 2750 Mangerton
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 22 Caherconree [Cathair Conraoi] 835 2740 Slieve Mish
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 23 Purple Mountain [An Sliabh Corcra] 832 2730 Purple Mtn
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 24 Beenoskee [Binn os Gaoith] 826 2710 Central Dingle
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 25 Lyracappul [Ladhar an Chapaill] 825.3 2708 Galty Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 26 Tonelagee [Toin le Gaoith] 817 2680 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 27 Mweelrea [Maol Reidh] 814 2671 Mweelrea Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 28 Nephin [Neifinn] 806 2644 North Mayo
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 29 Ben Lugmore [Binn Log Mhor] 803 2635 Mweelrea Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 30 Greenane [An Grianan] 802 2631 Galty Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 31 Clohernagh [Clocharnach] 800 2625 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 32 Galtybeg [Cnoc Beag na nGaibhlte] 799.2 2622 Galty Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 33 Stradbally Mountain [Cnoc an tSraidbhaile] 798 2618 Central Dingle
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 34 Ben Bury [Ucht an Chreagain] 795 2608 Mweelrea Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 35 Mullaghcleevaun East Top 795 2608 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 36 Mount Leinster [Stua Laighean] 794.4 2606 Blackstairs Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 37 Corrigasleggaun [Carraig na Sliogan] 794 2605 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 38 Knockmealdown [Cnoc Mhaoldomhnaigh] 792.4 2600 Knockmealdown Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 39 Fauscoum [Over Fauscoum] [Faschom] 792 2598 Comeragh Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 40 Greenane West [O’Loughnan’s Castle] 786 2579 Galty Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 41 Stumpa Duloigh 784 2572 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 42 Temple Hill [Cnoc an Teampaill] 783.1 2569 Galty Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 43 Mangerton North Top 782 2566 Mangerton
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 44 Mullaghanattin [Mullach an Aitinn] 773 2536 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 45 Barrclashcame [Sheeffry Hills West Top] [Barr Chlais Ceim] 772 2533 Sheeffry Hills
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 46 Coomacarrea [Com an Charria] 772 2533 Glenbeigh Horseshoe
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 47 Knockmoylan [Knockshane] [Cnoc Maolain] 767.1 2517 Knockmealdown Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 48 Slieve Commedagh [Sliabh Coimheideach] 767 2516 Mourne Mountains
    49 Carrignagower [Fauscoum North Top] [Carraig na nGabhar] 767 2516 Comeragh Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 50 Croagh Patrick [Cruach Phadraig] 764 2507 Croagh Patrick
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 51 Masatiompan [Mas an Tiompain] 763 2503 Brandon Group
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 52 Shehy Mountain [Seiche] 762 2500 Purple Mtn
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 53 Tievummera [Sheeffry Hills] [Taobh Iomaire](old GR) 762 2500 Sheeffry Hills
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 54 Teeromoyle Mountain [Teermoyle Mountain] [Sliabh Thir O mBaoill] 760 2493 Glenbeigh Horseshoe
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 55 Slievemaan [Sliabh Meain] 759 2490 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 56 Camenabologue [Ceim na mBulog] 758 2487 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 57 Kippure [Cipiur] 757 2484 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 58 Purple Mountain NE Top [Tomies South] 757 2484 Purple Mtn
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 59 Knockanaffrin [Cnoc an Aifrinn] 755 2477 Comeragh Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 60 Beann [An Bheann Bhan] 752 2467 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 61 Errigal [An Earagail] 751 2464 Donegal NW
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 62 Cnoc Iochtair [Skregmore West Top] 746.3 2448 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 63 Slieve Binnian [Sliabh Binneain] 745.9 2447 Mourne Mountains
    64 Broaghnabinnia [Bruach na Binne] 745 2444 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 65 Coumfea [Over Coumalocha] [Com Fia] 741.9 2434 Comeragh Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 66 Tievnabinnia [Sheeffry Hills East Top] [Taobh na Binne] 742 2434 Sheeffry Hills
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 67 Slieve Bearnagh [Sliabh Bearnach] 739 2425 Mourne Mountains
    68 Blackstairs Mountain [Na Staighri Dubha] 735 2411 Blackstairs Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 69 Tomies Mountain [An Chathair] 735 2411 Purple Mtn
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 70 Conavalla [Ceann an Bhealaigh] 734 2408 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 71 Cnoc an Bhraca 731 2398 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 72 Seefin [Sui Finn] 726 2382 Comeragh Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 73 Binn Bhan [Benbaun] 725 2379 Twelve Bens
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 74 Djouce [Dioghais] 725 2379 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 75 Seefingan [Sui Fingain] 722.9 2372 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 76 Slieve Carr [Slieve Cor] [Corrshliabh] 721 2365 North Mayo
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 77 Slievenamon [Sliabh na mBan] 721 2365 South Midlands
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 78 Duff Hill [An Cnoc Dubh] 720 2362 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 79 Gravale [Droibheal] 718 2356 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 80 Meenteog [Muing] 715 2346 Glenbeigh Horseshoe
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 81 Corranabinnia [Coire na Binne] 714 2343 North Mayo
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 82 Binn Chorr [Bencorr] 711 2333 Twelve Bens
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 83 Knockboy [An Cnoc Bui] 706 2316 Shehy/Knockboy
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 84 Stoompa [Stumpa] 705 2313 Mangerton
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 85 Moanbane [Moin Bhan] 703 2306 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 86 Slievelamagan [Sliabh Lamhagain] 702.2 2304 Mourne Mountains
    87 Slieve Meelbeg [Sliabh Miol Beag] 701.9 2303 Mourne Mountains
    88 Binn idir an Da Log [Barrslievenaroy] 702 2303 Maamturks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 89 Table Mountain 701 2300 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 90 Ben Gorm [An Bhinn Ghorm] 700 2297 Ben Gorm Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 91 Camaderry Mountain [Sliabh Cham an Doire] 698.6 2292 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 92 Birreencorragh [Birin Corrach] 698 2290 North Mayo
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 93 Silsean [Soillsean] 698 2290 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 94 Binn Dubh [Bencollaghduff] 696 2283 Twelve Bens
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 95 Keeper Hill [Slievekimalta] [Sliabh Coimealta] 694 2277 Shannon
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 96 The Paps East [An Da Chich Anann (An Chioch Thoir)] 694 2277 Paps/Derrynasaggart
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 97 Ben Creggan [Binn an Chreagain] 693 2274 Ben Gorm Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 98 Beann NE Top [Beann North Top] 692 2270 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 99 Caoinkeen [An Caincin] 692 2270 Shehy/Knockboy
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 100 Knockaterriff [Cnoc an Tairbh] 691.6 2269 Galty Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 101 Binn Bhraoin [Benbreen] 691 2267 Twelve Bens
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 102 Knocknadobar [Cnoc na dTobar] 690 2264 Iveragh NW
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 103 The Paps West [An Da Chich Anann (An Chioch Thiar)] 690 2264 Paps/Derrynasaggart
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 104 Croaghaun [Cruachan] 688 2257 Achill/Corraun
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 105 Slieve Meelmore [Sliabh Miol Mor] 687 2254 Mourne Mountains
    106 Ben Creggan South Top [Meall Lair] 687 2254 Ben Gorm Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 107 War Hill [Cnoc an Bhairr] 686 2251 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 108 Hungry Hill [Cnoc Daod] 685 2247 Caha Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 109 Knockmoyle [Cnoc Maol] 684 2244 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 110 Tomaneena [Turlough Hill] [Tuaim an Aonaigh] 682.4 2239 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 111 Carrigvore [An Charraig Mhor] 682 2238 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 112 Maumtrasna [Mam Trasna] 682 2238 Partry/Joyce Country
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 113 Caherbarnagh [An Chathair Bhearnach] 681 2234 Paps/Derrynasaggart
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 114 Corranabinnia SW Top [Corranabinnia W Top] 681 2234 North Mayo
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 115 Colly [An Bheann Mhor] 679 2228 Glenbeigh Horseshoe
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 116 Knocksheegowna [Cnoc Si Ghamhna] 678 2224 Comeragh Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 117 Sawel [Samhail Phite Meabha] 678 2224 Sperrin Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 118 Slieve Binnian North Top [The Back Castles] 678 2224 Mourne Mountains
    119 Slieve Snaght [Sliabh Sneachta] 678 2224 Donegal NW
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 120 Knocknagantee [Cnoc na gCainte] 676 2218 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 121 An Bheann Mhor [Coomcallee West Top] 674.7 2214 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 122 Croaghgorm [Bluestack] [An Chruach Ghorm] 674 2211 Bluestack Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 123 Binn Doire Chlair [Derryclare] 673 2208 Twelve Bens
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 124 Lavagh More [An Leamhach Mhor] 671 2201 Bluestack Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 125 Slievemore [An Sliabh Mor] 671 2201 Achill/Corraun
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 126 Slieve Muck [Sliabh Muc] 670.4 2199 Mourne Mountains
    127 Slievanea NE Top [Sliabh Macha Re] 670 2198 Central Dingle
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 128 Muckish [An Mhucais] 667.1 2189 Donegal NW
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 129 Beenmore [Binn Mhor] 667 2188 Glenbeigh Horseshoe
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 130 An Corran [Finnararagh] 667 2188 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 131 Binn Bhriocain [Letterbreckaun] 667 2188 Maamturks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 132 Knocknafallia (Dillon GR) 667 2188 Knockmealdown Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 133 Coomura Mountain [Knockmoyle E Top] 666 2185 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 134 Cuilcagh [Binn Chuilceach] 666 2185 Breifne
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 135 Mullaghnarakill 665 2182 Glenbeigh Horseshoe
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 136 Binn Gabhar [Bengower] 664 2178 Twelve Bens
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 137 Croaghanmoira [Cruachan Mhaigh Rath] 664 2178 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 138 Camenabologue SE Top [Camenabologue East Top] 663 2175 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 139 Stumpa Duloigh SW Top [Stumpa Duloigh West Top] [Stumpa West Top] 663 2175 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 140 Sugarloaf Hill [Cnoc na gCloch] 662.7 2174 Knockmealdown Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 141 Binn Mhor 661 2169 Maamturks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 142 Knockowen [Cnoc Eoghain] 658 2159 Caha Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 143 Beann SW Top [Beann West Top] 657 2156 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 144 Mullacor [Mullach Mhor] 657 2156 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 145 Chimney Rock Mountain [Sliabh an Aoire] 656 2152 Mourne Mountains
    146 Crohane [An Cruachan] 656 2152 Mangerton
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 147 Dromderalough [Dromderalough South] [Drom idir Dha Loch] 656 2152 Mangerton
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 148 Cnoc na dTarbh 655 2149 MacGillycuddy's Reeks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 149 Knocknagnauv [Cnoc na gCnamh] 655.1 2149 Knockmealdown Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 150 Cove Mountain 654.8 2148 Mourne Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 151 Muckanaght [Meacanacht] 654 2146 Twelve Bens
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 152 Keadeen Mountain [Ceidin] 653 2142 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 153 Knockshanahullion [Cnoc Seanchuillinn] 652 2139 Knockmealdown Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 154 Lugduff [Log Dubh] 652 2139 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 155 Ballineddan Mountain [Sliabh Bhuaile an Fheadain] 652 2139 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 156 Dooish [An Dubhais] 651.5 2137 Donegal NW
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 157 Been Hill [Beann] 651 2136 Glenbeigh Horseshoe
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 158 Lavagh Beg [An Leamhach Bheag] 650 2133 Bluestack Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 159 Coomcallee [Com Cailli] 648.9 2129 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 160 An Cnapan Mor [Gowlanebeg] 649 2129 Central Dingle
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 161 Mullaghanish [Mullach an Ois] 649 2129 Paps/Derrynasaggart
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 162 Seahan [Suiochan] 647.3 2124 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 163 Truskmore [Trosc Mor] 647 2123 Dartry Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 164 Devilsmother [Binn Gharbh] 645 2116 Partry/Joyce Country
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 165 Coomnadiha [Com na Daibhche] 644 2113 Caha Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 166 Tonduff [Toin Dubh] 644 2113 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 167 Musheramore [Muisire Mor] 642.7 2109 Boggeragh Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 168 Ardnageer [Binmore] [Ard na gCaor] 642 2106 Bluestack Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 169 Cush [Binnia] [Cois] 641.2 2104 Galty Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 170 Cnoc na Banoige [An Bhanog Thuaidhe] [Banoge North] 641 2103 Central Dingle
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 171 Croaghbane [Croaghbann] [An Chruach Bhan] 641 2103 Bluestack Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 172 Knocklomena [Cnoc an Mheannain] 641 2103 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 173 Scarr [Scor] 641 2103 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 174 Drung Hill [Cnoc Droinge] 640 2100 Glenbeigh Horseshoe
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 175 Beann South Top 639 2096 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 176 Cnoc na gCapall [Knocknacappul] 639 2096 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 177 Binn Fraoigh [Benfree] 638 2093 Twelve Bens
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 178 Eagle Mountain [Sliabh an Iolair] 638 2093 Mourne Mountains
    179 Knocknamanagh [Barrerneen] [Cnoc na Manach] 637 2090 Shehy/Knockboy
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 180 Coomnacronia [Coomanassig] [Com na Croine] 636 2087 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 181 Lobawn [Luban] 636 2087 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 182 Mullaghclogha [Mullach Clocha] 635 2083 Sperrin Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 183 Binn Chaonaigh 633 2077 Maamturks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 184 Kells Mountain [Knocknadobar East Top] 633 2077 Iveragh NW
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 185 An Chailleach [Bencullagh] 632 2073 Twelve Bens
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 186 Boughil [Buachaill Finnleithid] 631 2070 Dunkerron Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 187 Laghtshanaquilla [Leacht Sheanchoille] 631 2070 Galty Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 188 Monabrack [Moin Bhreac] 630.1 2067 Galty Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 189 White Hill 630 2067 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 190 Knocknalougha [Knockaunabulloga] [Cnoc na Loiche] 629 2064 Knockmealdown Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 191 Glennamong 628 2060 North Mayo
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 192 Mullaghaneany [Mullach an Ionaidh] 627 2057 Sperrin Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 193 Nephin Beg [Neifinn Bheag] 627 2057 North Mayo
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 194 Shanlieve [Seanshliabh] 627 2057 Mourne Mountains
    195 Knocknamanagh NE Top [Gullaba Hill] 625 2051 Shehy/Knockboy
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 196 Meenard Mountain [Min Ard] 625 2051 Sperrin Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 197 Slievanea [Sliabh Macha Re] 625 2051 Central Dingle
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 198 An Scraig [Ballysitteragh] 623 2044 Brandon Group
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 199 Mullach Glas [Teernakill South] 622 2041 Maamturks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 200 Maulin [Malainn] 621 2037 Caha Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 201 Seefin [Sui Finn] 620.6 2036 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 202 Dart Mountain [An Dairt] 619 2031 Sperrin Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 203 Leenaun Hill [An Meall Dubh] 618 2028 Maamturks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 204 Corrig Mountain [An Charraig] 617.1 2025 Dublin/Wicklow
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 205 Slieve Loughshannagh [Sliabh Locha Sionnach] 617 2024 Mourne Mountains
    206 Coumaraglin Mountain [Sliabh Chom Airglinn] 617 2024 Comeragh Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 207 Slieve Snaght [Sliabh Sneachta] 615 2018 Inishowen
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 208 Kells Mountain East Top [Knocknadobar Far East Top] 612 2008 Iveragh NW
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 209 Tievebaun [Taobh Ban] 611 2005 Dartry Mountains
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 210 Knockbrack [Cnoc Breac] 611 2005 Mangerton
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 211 Coombane [Coumbane] [An Com Ban] 610 2001 Central Dingle
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 212 Corcog [Corcogemore] 609 1998 Maamturks
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • Data with Acknowledgement – Database of British and Irish Hills

    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Cnoc na Peiste [Knocknapeasta]

    Cnoc na Peiste [Knocknapeasta] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Kerry, Ireland. Cnoc na Peiste [Knocknapeasta] is 988 metres high with a prominence of 254 metres. The summit can be identified by: cairn Additional Notes: Height/Drop/Col position from Harvey Map All the walks up Cnoc na Peiste [Knocknapeasta] on Mud […]

    Cnoc na Peiste [Knocknapeasta] Read More »

    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Brandon Peak [Barr an Ghearain]

    Brandon Peak [Barr an Ghearain] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Kerry, Ireland. Brandon Peak [Barr an Ghearain] is 840 metres high with a prominence of 178 metres. The summit can be identified by: cairn Additional Notes: All the walks up Brandon Peak [Barr an Ghearain] on Mud and Routes

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Mullaghcleevaun East Top

    Mullaghcleevaun East Top is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Wicklow, Ireland. Mullaghcleevaun East Top is 795 metres high with a prominence of 41 metres. The summit can be identified by: massive boulder Additional Notes: Height/Drop/Col position from Harvey Map All the walks up Mullaghcleevaun East Top on Mud and Routes

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Camenabologue [Ceim na mBulog]

    Camenabologue [Ceim na mBulog] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Wicklow, Ireland. Camenabologue [Ceim na mBulog] is 758 metres high with a prominence of 136 metres. The summit can be identified by: Additional Notes: All the walks up Camenabologue [Ceim na mBulog] on Mud and Routes can be seen above.

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Binn Bhan [Benbaun]

    Binn Bhan [Benbaun] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Galway, Ireland. Binn Bhan [Benbaun] is 725 metres high with a prominence of 682 metres. The summit can be identified by: fractured trig point base Additional Notes: All the walks up Binn Bhan [Benbaun] on Mud and Routes can be seen

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Moanbane [Moin Bhan]

    Moanbane [Moin Bhan] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Wicklow, Ireland. Moanbane [Moin Bhan] is 703 metres high with a prominence of 104 metres. The summit can be identified by: Additional Notes: Height/Drop/Col position from Harvey Map All the walks up Moanbane [Moin Bhan] on Mud and Routes can be

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Croaghaun [Cruachan]

    Croaghaun [Cruachan] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Mayo, Ireland. Croaghaun [Cruachan] is 688 metres high with a prominence of 688 metres. The summit can be identified by: rock 8m SW of cairn Additional Notes: All the walks up Croaghaun [Cruachan] on Mud and Routes can be seen above.

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Knocklomena [Cnoc an Mheannain]

    Knocklomena [Cnoc an Mheannain] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Kerry, Ireland. Knocklomena [Cnoc an Mheannain] is 641 metres high with a prominence of 379 metres. The summit can be identified by: rock with metal fence post Additional Notes: All the walks up Knocklomena [Cnoc an Mheannain] on Mud and

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Seefin [Sui Finn]

    Seefin [Sui Finn] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Wicklow, Ireland. Seefin [Sui Finn] is 620.6 metres high with a prominence of 22.3 metres. The summit can be identified by: no feature Additional Notes: All the walks up Seefin [Sui Finn] on Mud and Routes can be seen above.

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Caher West Top

    Caher West Top is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Kerry, Ireland. Caher West Top is 973.4 metres high with a prominence of 24.1 metres. The summit can be identified by: cairn Additional Notes: All the walks up Caher West Top on Mud and Routes can be seen above.

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Caherconree [Cathair Conraoi]

    Caherconree [Cathair Conraoi] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Kerry, Ireland. Caherconree [Cathair Conraoi] is 835 metres high with a prominence of 129 metres. The summit can be identified by: cairn Additional Notes: All the walks up Caherconree [Cathair Conraoi] on Mud and Routes can be seen above.

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Fauscoum [Over Fauscoum] [Faschom]

    Fauscoum [Over Fauscoum] [Faschom] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Waterford, Ireland. Fauscoum [Over Fauscoum] [Faschom] is 792 metres high with a prominence of 628 metres. The summit can be identified by: cairn Additional Notes: All the walks up Fauscoum [Over Fauscoum] [Faschom] on Mud and Routes can be seen

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Kippure [Cipiur]

    Kippure [Cipiur] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of South Dublin/Wicklow, Ireland. Kippure [Cipiur] is 757 metres high with a prominence of 264 metres. The summit can be identified by: trig point Additional Notes: All the walks up Kippure [Cipiur] on Mud and Routes can be seen above.

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Seefin [Sui Finn]

    Seefin [Sui Finn] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Waterford, Ireland. Seefin [Sui Finn] is 726 metres high with a prominence of 70 metres. The summit can be identified by: rock Additional Notes: All the walks up Seefin [Sui Finn] on Mud and Routes can be seen above.

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Lugduff [Log Dubh]

    Lugduff [Log Dubh] is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Wicklow, Ireland. Lugduff [Log Dubh] is 652 metres high with a prominence of 93 metres. The summit can be identified by: Additional Notes: Height/Drop/Col position from Harvey Map All the walks up Lugduff [Log Dubh] on Mud and Routes can be

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