The Best 10 Walks in the Glyderau

By Dave Roberts   

on January 23, 2021    No ratings yet.

The Best 10 Walks in the Glyderau

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About The Best 10 Walks in the Glyderau

There are numerous excellent walks on the Glyderau, but a few routes stand out. Any walk up Tryfan will be among the best walks in Wales, s it’s no surprise that 3 of the best walks are to the summit of this iconic mountain. One of the best scrambles is The Bochlwyd Horseshoe – The only scrambling route that comes close to the Snowdon Horseshoe as you scramble over Tryfan’s North Ridge, Bristly Ridge and descending y Gribin. If you don’t want such a full on day, then try Tryfan’s North Ridge – the classic route up Tryfan. Finally’ there’s the Heather Terrace Scramble – An alternative scramble to the North Ridge, but still classed as a tough day out.

Glyder Fawr is the highest point of the range at 1001 metres high, and one of our favourite routes is Y Garn, Glyderau and Tryfan from Ogwen – A great circuit of the main Glyderau from Ogwen. This also includes a walk up Tryfan via the South Ridge scramble, so we’ may be a bit Tryfan heavy on this list. Another approach to the Glyderau from Ogwen is the route via the Devil’s Kitchen, Glyder Fawr and Glyder Fach or the grade 1 scramble up Y Gribin from Ogwen.

The south of the Glyderau Range dominates the Llanberis Path but isn’t as popular with walkers as the more spectacular walks from Ogwen. While many will disagree – the route up from Nant Peris needs to be included despite being a bit of a slog – Elidir Fawr and Y Garn from Nant Peris – which showcases the gentler side of these hills. The Glyderau from Pen y Pass offers a quieter route that’s worth doing if only for the views over to Snowdon. If you’re looking for an easier walk that can be completed in a couple of hours yet still include a summit and breath taking views then you can take a circular walk up the lowly Moel Berfedd from Pen y Pass

Finally, the Glyderau Traverse is one of our favourite walks. It can be started from Deiniolen or Nant Peris, and you can include an optional dog-leg out to bag Carnedd y Filiast and Tryfan in order to bag every summit in the range. This makes a great big mountain day or an even better weekend wild camp.

The Best 10 Walks in the Glyderau – All the Routes and Articles