The Corbetts

The Corbetts, along with The Munros, are one of the two must-do Scottish hill lists. The list was compiled in 1920 by John Rooke Corbett of the SMC, and published posthumously in the 1953 edition of Munro’s Tables. Despite being lower than the Munros, the Corbetts should not be seen as the easier option. Being less popular brings fewer walkers and so the routes are less trodden and harder to follow. A lower summit doesn’t make a mountain any less rugged either. Unlike the Munros, the Corbetts are precisely defined by both altitude and prominence and the list only changes when the mountains have been re-sureveyed.

There are 222 Corbetts as of November 2019 a well as 455 Corbett Tops. Those complete the list are known as Corbeteers, with the list standing at just over 700 in October 2019 (SMC Completionists). That’s around 10% of the total that have compleated the Munros, making a round of the Corbetts much rarer.

The Corbetts are Defined as:

Mountain summits in Scotland that are between 2500ft and 3000ft (762.0–914.4 m) in height with at least 500 feet (152.4 m) prominence or re-ascent all around. By definition, a mountain cannot be a Munro and a Corbett.

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What are the best walks up the


Our list below includes every walk on Mud and Routes up the Corbetts. We’re adding more routes on a weekly basis.

Complete List of Corbetts in Height Order

You can sort these to show the Corbetts by Mountain Range or Region as well as alphabetically – we’ll be adding a filter soon, as well as the ability for logged in users to ‘bag a summit’ and a Corbett Map.

Summit number and other details are hidden as your screen is too narrow. If on a smartphone, turn the phone into landscape mode to see more information

no. Summit Height in Metres Height in Feet Mountain Range Routes to Summit
1 Beinn a’Chlaidheimh 913.96 2999 Loch Maree to Loch Broom
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 2 Beinn Dearg 913.7 2998 Loch Torridon to Loch Maree
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 3 Sgurr nan Ceannaichean 913.43 2997 Kyle of Lochalsh to Garve
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 4 Sgurr a’Choire-bheithe 913.32 2996 Knoydart to Glen Kingie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 5 Beinn Bhreac 912.44 2994 Glen Tromie to Glen Tilt
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 6 Leathad an Taobhain 911.7 2991 Glen Tromie to Glen Tilt
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 7 The Fara 911.4 2990 Loch Treig to Loch Ericht
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 8 Foinaven (Foinne Bhein) – Ganu Mor 911.05 2989 Durness to Loch Shin
    9 Meall Buidhe 910 2986 Loch Rannoch to Glen Lyon
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 10 Beinn nan Oighreag 909 2982 Glen Lyon to Glen Dochart and Loch Tay
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 11 Streap 909 2982 Mallaig to Fort William
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 12 Beinn Maol Chaluim 907 2976 Loch Linnhe to Loch Etive
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 13 Fuar Tholl 907 2976 Applecross to Achnasheen
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 14 Leum Uilleim 906.4 2974 Fort William to Loch Treig and Loch Leven
    15 Beinn Dearg Mor 906.28 2973 Loch Maree to Loch Broom
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 16 Ben Tee 904 2966 Loch Arkaig to Glen Moriston
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 17 Ben Vuirich 903 2963 Pitlochry to Braemar and Blairgowrie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 18 Beinn Damh 903 2963 Applecross to Achnasheen
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 19 Beinn Odhar 901 2956 Glen Lyon to Glen Dochart and Loch Tay
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 20 Beinn Mheadhonach 901 2956 Glen Tromie to Glen Tilt
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 21 Sgurr an Fhuarain 901 2956 Knoydart to Glen Kingie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 22 Beinn an Lochain 901 2956 Loch Fyne to Bute and the Firth of Clyde
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 23 Culardoch 900 2953 Cairngorms
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 24 Aonach Buidhe 899 2949 Killilan to Inverness
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 25 Sgurr nan Eugallt 898 2946 Knoydart to Glen Kingie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 26 Beinn a’Bhuiridh 897 2943 Glen Etive to Glen Lochy
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 27 Ben Tirran 896 2940 Braemar to Montrose
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 28 Gairbeinn 896 2940 Glen Albyn and the Monadh Liath
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 29 Ruadh-stac Beag 896 2940 Loch Torridon to Loch Maree
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 30 Beinn Bhan 896 2940 Applecross to Achnasheen
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 31 Creag Mhor 895 2936 Cairngorms
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 32 Beinn a’Chuallaich 892 2927 Loch Ericht to Glen Tromie and Glen Garry
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 33 An Ruadh-stac 892 2927 Applecross to Achnasheen
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 34 Beinn Enaiglair 890 2920 Loch Broom to Strath Oykel
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 35 Creagan na Beinne 888 2913 Loch Tay to Perth
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 36 Aonach Shasuinn 888 2913 Glen Affric to Glen Moriston
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 37 Sgurr Dhomhnuill 888 2913 Sunart and Ardgour
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 38 Ben Aden (Beinn an Aodainn) 887 2910 Knoydart to Glen Kingie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 39 Meall a’Ghiubhais (Meall a’Ghiuthais) 887 2910 Loch Torridon to Loch Maree
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 40 Beinn a’Chaisteil 886 2907 Glen Lyon to Glen Dochart and Loch Tay
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 41 Buidhe Bheinn 885.5 2905 Glen Shiel to Loch Hourn and Loch Quoich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 42 Garbh Bheinn 885 2904 Sunart and Ardgour
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 43 The Cobbler (Ben Arthur) 884 2900 Inveraray to Crianlarich
    44 Cam Chreag 884 2900 Glen Lyon to Glen Dochart and Loch Tay
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 45 Stob Dubh 883 2897 Glen Etive to Glen Lochy
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 46 Beinn Odhar Bheag 882 2894 Moidart and Ardnamurchan
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 47 Rois-Bheinn 882 2894 Moidart and Ardnamurchan
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 48 Beinn Chuirn 880 2887 Inveraray to Crianlarich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 49 Sgurr Mhurlagain 880 2887 Knoydart to Glen Kingie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 50 Creag Uchdag 879 2884 Loch Tay to Perth
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 51 Ben Ledi 879 2884 Loch Lomond to Strathyre
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 52 Fraochaidh 879 2884 Loch Linnhe to Loch Etive
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 53 Sgurr a’Mhuilinn 879 2884 Kyle of Lochalsh to Garve
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 54 Sguman Coinntich 879 2884 Killilan to Inverness
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 55 Carn an Fhreiceadain 878 2881 Glen Albyn and the Monadh Liath
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 56 A’Chaoirnich (Maol Creag an Loch) 875 2871 Glen Tromie to Glen Tilt
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 57 Baosbheinn 875 2871 Loch Torridon to Loch Maree
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 58 Sgurr na Ba Glaise 874 2867 Moidart and Ardnamurchan
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 59 Goatfell (Goat Fell) 874 2867 Arran
    60 Ben Hee 873 2864 Durness to Loch Shin
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 61 Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine 871 2858 Applecross to Achnasheen
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 62 Morven 871 2858 Tomintoul to Banff
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 63 Stob a’Choin 869 2851 Loch Lomond to Strathyre
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 64 Beinn Pharlagain (Ben Pharlagain – Meall na Meoig) 868 2848 Loch Treig to Loch Ericht
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 65 Faochaig 868 2848 Killilan to Inverness
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 66 Garbh Bheinn 867 2844 Loch Leven to Rannoch Station
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 67 Bidein a’Chabair 867 2844 Mallaig to Fort William
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 68 Conachcraig 865 2838 Braemar to Montrose
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 69 Carn a’Choire Ghairbh 865 2838 Glen Affric to Glen Moriston
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 70 Beinn Mhic Chasgaig 864 2835 Glen Etive to Glen Lochy
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 71 Beinn Tharsuinn 863 2831 Kyle of Lochalsh to Garve
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 72 Sgurr na Feartaig 863 2831 Kyle of Lochalsh to Garve
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 73 Cam Chreag 862 2828 Loch Rannoch to Glen Lyon
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 74 Meall na h-Aisre 862 2828 Glen Albyn and the Monadh Liath
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 75 Beinn a’Bha’ach Ard (Beinn a’Bhathaich Ard) 862 2828 Kyle of Lochalsh to Garve
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 76 Carn Liath 861.5 2826 Cairngorms
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 77 Morrone 859 2818 Pitlochry to Braemar and Blairgowrie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 78 Beinn Lair 859 2818 Loch Maree to Loch Broom
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 79 Caisteal Abhail 859 2818 Arran
    80 Beinn Luibhean 858 2815 Inveraray to Crianlarich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 81 Fraoch Bheinn 858 2815 Knoydart to Glen Kingie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 82 Beinn a’Chrulaiste 857 2812 Loch Leven to Rannoch Station
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 83 Cruach Innse 857 2812 Fort William to Loch Treig and Loch Leven
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 84 Carn Dearg Mor 857 2812 Glen Tromie to Glen Tilt
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 85 Beinn a’Chaisgein Mor 856 2808 Loch Maree to Loch Broom
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 86 Stob an Aonaich Mhoir 855 2805 Loch Ericht to Glen Tromie and Glen Garry
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 87 Beinn Bhuidhe 855 2805 Knoydart to Glen Kingie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 88 Beinn an Eoin 855 2805 Loch Torridon to Loch Maree
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 89 Creach Bheinn 853 2799 Morvern and Kingairloch
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 90 Meall an t-Seallaidh 852 2795 Loch Lomond to Strathyre
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 91 Beinn nan Imirean 849 2785 Glen Lyon to Glen Dochart and Loch Tay
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 92 Bac an Eich 849 2785 Kyle of Lochalsh to Garve
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 93 Cul Mor 849 2785 Lochinver to Ullapool
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 94 Sgurr Ghiubhsachain 849 2785 Sunart and Ardgour
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 95 Canisp 847 2779 Lochinver to Ullapool
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 96 Ben Donich 847 2779 Loch Fyne to Bute and the Firth of Clyde
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 97 Beinn Resipol 845 2772 Sunart and Ardgour
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 98 Merrick 843 2766 Galloway Hills
    99 Ben Vrackie 842 2762 Pitlochry to Braemar and Blairgowrie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 100 Carn Ban 842 2762 Loch Broom to Strath Oykel
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 101 Beinn Mholach 841 2759 Loch Ericht to Glen Tromie and Glen Garry
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 102 Sgurr an Airgid 841 2759 Loch Duich to Cannich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 103 Ben Rinnes 841 2759 Tomintoul to Banff
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 104 Beinn Trilleachan 840 2756 Loch Linnhe to Loch Etive
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 105 Beinn Udlaidh 840 2756 Glen Etive to Glen Lochy
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 106 Broad Law 840 2756 Manor Hills
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 107 Sgurr Gaorsaic 839 2753 Loch Duich to Cannich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 108 Carn Chuinneag 839 2753 Loch Vaich to Moray Firth
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 109 Meall na h-Eilde 838 2749 Loch Arkaig to Glen Moriston
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 110 Meallan nan Uan 838 2749 Kyle of Lochalsh to Garve
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 111 Sron a’Choire Chnapanich (Sron a’Choire Chnapanaich) 837 2746 Loch Rannoch to Glen Lyon
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 112 Sgurr Cos na Breachd-laoidh 835 2740 Knoydart to Glen Kingie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 113 Creag nan Gabhar 834 2736 Braemar to Montrose
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 114 Carn Dearg 834 2736 Loch Lochy to Loch Laggan
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 115 Beinn Dearg 830 2723 Loch Rannoch to Glen Lyon
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 116 Brown Cow Hill 829 2720 Cairngorms
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 117 Carn Mor 829 2720 Mallaig to Fort William
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 118 An Dun 827.4 2715 Glen Tromie and Pass of Drumochter to Glen Tilt
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 119 Beinn Tarsuinn 826 2710 Arran
    120 Geal-charn Mor 824 2703 Glen Albyn and the Monadh Liath
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 121 Benvane 821 2694 Loch Lomond to Strathyre
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 122 Geal Charn 821 2694 Cairngorms
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 123 White Coomb 821 2694 Moffat Hills
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 124 Beinn Dearg Bheag 820 2690 Loch Maree to Loch Broom
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 125 Beinn Chaorach 818 2684 Glen Lyon to Glen Dochart and Loch Tay
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 126 Carn na Drochaide 818 2684 Cairngorms
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 127 Sgorr na Diollaid 818 2684 Killilan to Inverness
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 128 Stob Coire Creagach (Binnein an Fhidhleir) 817 2680 Inveraray to Crianlarich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 129 Carn Dearg 817 2680 Glen Albyn and the Monadh Liath
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 130 Carn a’Chuilinn 817 2680 Glen Albyn and the Monadh Liath
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 131 Breabag 815 2674 Scourie to Lairg
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 132 An Sidhean 814 2671 Kyle of Lochalsh to Garve
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 133 An Stac 814 2671 Moidart and Ardnamurchan
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 134 Corserine 814 2671 Galloway Hills
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 135 Beinn Each 813 2667 Strathyre to Strathallan
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 136 Sgor Mor 813 2667 Cairngorms
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 137 Askival 812 2664 Rum
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 138 Carn na Saobhaidhe 811 2661 Glen Albyn and the Monadh Liath
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 139 Creach Bheinn 810 2657 Loch Linnhe to Loch Etive
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 140 Meall a’Bhuachaille 810 2657 Cairngorms
    141 Meall na Fearna 809 2654 Strathyre to Strathallan
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 142 Sgurr Innse 809 2654 Fort William to Loch Treig and Loch Leven
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 143 Quinag – Sail Gharbh 809 2654 Scourie to Lairg
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 144 Creag Mac Ranaich 808.6 2653 Loch Lomond to Strathyre
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 145 Garbh-bheinn 808 2651 Skye
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 146 Hart Fell 808 2651 Moffat Hills
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 147 Monamenach 807 2648 Braemar to Montrose
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 148 Creag Rainich 807 2648 Loch Maree to Loch Broom
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 149 Beinn nam Fuaran 806 2644 Glen Lyon to Glen Dochart and Loch Tay
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 150 Meall nan Subh 806 2644 Glen Lyon to Glen Dochart and Loch Tay
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 151 Ben Gulabin 806 2644 Pitlochry to Braemar and Blairgowrie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 152 Beinn Iaruinn 805 2641 Loch Lochy to Loch Laggan
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 153 Beinn na h-Eaglaise 805 2641 Glen Shiel to Loch Hourn and Loch Quoich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 154 Geal Charn 804 2638 Loch Arkaig to Glen Moriston
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 155 Carn Mor 804 2638 Tomintoul to Banff
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 156 The Sow of Atholl (Meall an Dobharchain) 803 2635 Loch Ericht to Glen Tromie and Glen Garry
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 157 Beinn Bhreac-liath 802 2631 Glen Etive to Glen Lochy
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 158 Meallan Liath Coire Mhic Dhughaill 801 2628 Durness to Loch Shin
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 159 Cranstackie 801 2628 Durness to Loch Shin
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 160 Cir Mhor 799 2621 Arran
    161 An Cliseam (Clisham) 799 2621 Lewis and Harris
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 162 Am Bathach 798 2618 Loch Duich to Cannich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 163 Beinn Dronaig 797 2615 Kyle of Lochalsh to Garve
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 164 Cairnsmore of Carsphairn 797 2615 Carsphairn Hills
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 165 Beinn Mhic-Mhonaidh 796 2612 Glen Etive to Glen Lochy
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 166 Mam na Gualainn 796 2612 Fort William to Loch Treig and Loch Leven
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 167 Sgurr Coire Choinnichean 796 2612 Knoydart to Glen Kingie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 168 Sgurr an Utha 796 2612 Mallaig to Fort William
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 169 Beinn Bhan 796 2612 Mallaig to Fort William
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 170 Glas Bheinn 792 2598 Fort William to Loch Treig and Loch Leven
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 171 Carn Ealasaid 792 2598 Cairngorms
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 172 Sgurr a’Chaorachain 792 2598 Applecross to Achnasheen
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 173 Beinn Airigh Charr 792 2598 Loch Maree to Loch Broom
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 174 Beinn Leoid 792 2598 Scourie to Lairg
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 175 Auchnafree Hill 789 2589 Loch Tay to Perth
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 176 Druim nan Cnamh (Beinn Loinne) 789 2589 Glen Shiel to Loch Hourn and Loch Quoich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 177 Meall Dubh 789 2589 Loch Arkaig to Glen Moriston
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 178 Meall Tairneachan 787 2582 Loch Rannoch to Glen Lyon
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 179 Beinn a’Chaisteil 787 2582 Loch Vaich to Moray Firth
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 180 Arkle 787 2582 Durness to Loch Shin
    181 The Brack 787 2582 Loch Fyne to Bute and the Firth of Clyde
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 182 Carn na Nathrach 786 2579 Sunart and Ardgour
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 183 Beinn na Caillich 785 2575 Knoydart to Glen Kingie
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 184 Beinn an Oir 785 2575 Jura
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 185 Farragon Hill 783 2569 Loch Rannoch to Glen Lyon
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 186 Beinn Mhic Cedidh 783 2569 Moidart and Ardnamurchan
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 187 Sgurr Dubh 782 2566 Applecross to Achnasheen
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 188 Ainshval 781 2562 Rum
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 189 Corryhabbie Hill 781 2562 Tomintoul to Banff
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 190 Meall nam Maigheach 779 2556 Glen Lyon to Glen Dochart and Loch Tay
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 191 Sgurr Mhic Bharraich 779 2556 Glen Shiel to Loch Hourn and Loch Quoich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 192 Beinn Bheula 779 2556 Loch Fyne to Bute and the Firth of Clyde
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 193 Mount Battock 778 2552 Braemar to Montrose
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 194 Meall Horn 777 2549 Durness to Loch Shin
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 195 Quinag – Sail Gorm (Sail Ghorm) 776 2546 Scourie to Lairg
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 196 Glas Bheinn 776 2546 Scourie to Lairg
    197 Meall na Leitreach 775 2543 Loch Ericht to Glen Tromie and Glen Garry
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 198 Glamaig – Sgurr Mhairi 775 2543 Skye
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 199 Sgorr Craobh a’Chaorainn 775 2543 Sunart and Ardgour
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 200 Shalloch on Minnoch 775 2543 Galloway Hills
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 201 Beinn nan Caorach 774 2539 Glen Shiel to Loch Hourn and Loch Quoich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 202 Meall a’Phubuill 774 2539 Mallaig to Fort William
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 203 Beinn Spionnaidh 773 2536 Durness to Loch Shin
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 204 Meall Lighiche 772 2533 Loch Linnhe to Loch Etive
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 205 Beinn Stacach (Ceann na Baintighearna) (Stob Fear-tomhais) (Beinn Stacath) 771 2530 Loch Lomond to Strathyre
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 206 Stob Coire a’Chearcaill 771 2530 Sunart and Ardgour
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 207 Beinn a’Choin 770 2526 Loch Lomond to Strathyre
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 208 Druim Tarsuinn (Stob a’Bhealach an Sgriodain) 770 2526 Sunart and Ardgour
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 209 Meallach Mhor 769 2523 Glen Tromie to Glen Tilt
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 210 Cul Beag 769 2523 Lochinver to Ullapool
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 211 Carn Dearg 768 2520 Glen Albyn and the Monadh Liath
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 212 Sail Mhor 767 2516 Loch Maree to Loch Broom
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 213 Beinn Liath Mhor a’Ghiubhais Li (Beinn Liath Mhor a’Ghiuthais) 766 2513 The Fannaichs
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 214 Dun da Ghaoithe 766 2513 Mull
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 215 Fuar Bheinn 766 2513 Morvern and Kingairloch
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 216 Braigh nan Uamhachan 765 2510 Mallaig to Fort William
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 217 Meall an Fhudair 764 2507 Inveraray to Crianlarich
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 218 Ben Loyal – An Caisteal 764.2 2507 Durness to Loch Shin
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 219 Quinag – Spidean Coinich 764 2507 Scourie to Lairg
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 220 Little Wyvis 763 2503 Loch Vaich to Moray Firth
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 221 Beinn na h-Uamha 762 2500 Sunart and Ardgour
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • 222 Cnoc Coinnich 761 2497 Loch Fyne to Bute and the Firth of Clyde
  • No Routes to this summit - yet!
  • Data with Acknowledgement – Database of British and Irish Hills

    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Creag Uchdag

    Creag Uchdag is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Creag Uchdag is 879 metres high. All the walking routes up Creag Uchdag on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the trig point. Other Notes: knoll 90m E is 1.5m lower; ground 30m W is 30cm […]

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Meall an Fhudair

    Meall an Fhudair is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Meall an Fhudair is 764 metres high. All the walking routes up Meall an Fhudair on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the no feature: 3m N of cairn/shelter. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Garbh Bheinn

    Garbh Bheinn is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Garbh Bheinn is 867 metres high. All the walking routes up Garbh Bheinn on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the cairn. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Mam na Gualainn

    Mam na Gualainn is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Mam na Gualainn is 796 metres high. All the walking routes up Mam na Gualainn on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the cairn 6m E of trig point. Other Notes: base of cairn 10cm

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau


    Morrone is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Morrone is 859 metres high. All the walking routes up Morrone on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the large cairn 15m NE of trig point. Other Notes: embedded rock 4m S of cairn is highest feature

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Carn Ealasaid

    Carn Ealasaid is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Carn Ealasaid is 792 metres high. All the walking routes up Carn Ealasaid on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the cairn. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Sgurr a’Choire-bheithe

    Sgurr a’Choire-bheithe is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Sgurr a’Choire-bheithe is 913 metres high. All the walking routes up Sgurr a’Choire-bheithe on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the small cairn. Other Notes: main cairn 45m SW at NG 895662 01560 is 0.68m lower;

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Carn Mor

    Carn Mor is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Carn Mor is 829 metres high. All the walking routes up Carn Mor on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the tiny cairn on rock 10m SW of larger cairn. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Meallan nan Uan

    Meallan nan Uan is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Meallan nan Uan is 838 metres high. All the walking routes up Meallan nan Uan on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the cairn. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine

    Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine is 871 metres high. All the walking routes up Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the windshelter. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Little Wyvis

    Little Wyvis is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Little Wyvis is 763 metres high. All the walking routes up Little Wyvis on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the cairn. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau


    Canisp is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Canisp is 847 metres high. All the walking routes up Canisp on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the inclined slab 4m SW of smaller shelter. Other Notes: larger shelter 45m NE (NC 20309 18755) is lower.

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Carn na Nathrach

    Carn na Nathrach is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Carn na Nathrach is 786 metres high. All the walking routes up Carn na Nathrach on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the cairn. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau


    Morven is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Morven is 871 metres high. All the walking routes up Morven on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the large cairn. Other Notes: 15m S of trig point (NJ 37672 04003).

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Auchnafree Hill

    Auchnafree Hill is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Auchnafree Hill is 789 metres high. All the walking routes up Auchnafree Hill on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the small cairn. Other Notes: large cairn at NN 80790 30740 is not the summit.

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Meall Buidhe

    Meall Buidhe is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Meall Buidhe is 910 metres high. All the walking routes up Meall Buidhe on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the cairn. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Beinn a’Chrulaiste

    Beinn a’Chrulaiste is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Beinn a’Chrulaiste is 857 metres high. All the walking routes up Beinn a’Chrulaiste on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the embedded rock 5m S of trig point in wind shelter. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Glas Bheinn

    Glas Bheinn is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Glas Bheinn is 792 metres high. All the walking routes up Glas Bheinn on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the rock 5m N of large cairn. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Ben Vrackie

    Ben Vrackie is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Ben Vrackie is 842 metres high. All the walking routes up Ben Vrackie on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the viewpoint. Other Notes: viewpoint is 90cm higher than flush bracket of trig point 8m NW

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau


    Gairbeinn is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Gairbeinn is 896 metres high. All the walking routes up Gairbeinn on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the 3 stones on outcrop. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Sgurr an Fhuarain

    Sgurr an Fhuarain is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Sgurr an Fhuarain is 901 metres high. All the walking routes up Sgurr an Fhuarain on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the trig point. Other Notes: cairn 4m E of trig point is as

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Sgurr an Utha

    Sgurr an Utha is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Sgurr an Utha is 796 metres high. All the walking routes up Sgurr an Utha on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the cairn. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    An Sidhean

    An Sidhean is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. An Sidhean is 814 metres high. All the walking routes up An Sidhean on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the cairn. Other Notes: .

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    Cader Idris Llyn Cau

    Sgurr a’Chaorachain

    Sgurr a’Chaorachain is a summit in the region or range in Scotland. Sgurr a’Chaorachain is 792 metres high. All the walking routes up Sgurr a’Chaorachain on Mud and Routes can be found below. The top can be identified by the cairn. Other Notes: .

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