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What You Need To Know Before Heading to the Hills This Winter

By Dave Roberts   

on December 1, 2014    No ratings yet.

What You Need To Know Before Heading to the Hills This Winter

It’s December already, and while there’a nary a flake fallen on the Welsh hills it doesn’t hurt to prepare for all that lovely snow we’re sure to have in the coming months! So here’s a run down of some of our winter themed articles from the archives to get you started. You know, a bit like those holiday specials in American Sitcoms where they rehash some stuff from the rest of the season as they’ve run our of new ideas. I probably shouldn’t have said that….

garn (9 of 23)Carry the proper kit

Visit our check-list to ensure you’ve got the proper kit for the job. Other than the warmer clothing, you’ll need an ice axe and crampons and most likely some new crampon compatible boots. Of course, you’ll need to have the skills to properly make use of that extra hardware. Rubber ducky optional.


Layering up for Winter Walks

This is an essential skill at any time of year, but more so in winter. You may worry about getting cold, but it can be as dangerous to wear too many layers, overheat and you’ll get cold from the sweat.


Brush up on your Winter Skills.

It’s not just a matter of going out there in the snow as you’ll need to learn some totally new skills beforehand. Your best bet is to enrol in a winter skills course, second best is to learn from someone else (just make sure they know their stuff!).

garn (9 of 6)-ACTIONWhat’s a Real Welsh Winter Day Like?

It’s not all crampons and ice axes on a typical winter mountain day in Snowdonia. It’s a bit of a mixed bag as we found out in this article from earlier this year.


Winter Camping.

There’s no need to pack that tent just because it’s cold. If you’ve got a warm enough sleeping bag, a suitable tent and a means to boil water other than gas; you’re probably good to go. Just beware of letting your water-bottles and boots freeze overnight as they can be an absolute pain to defrost and you’ll curse having to carry 2 kilos of ice down to the car with no whisky to go with it.


FINALLY! – Keep safe on the hill. It’s a dangerous time of year to be out – and if in any doubt you shouldn’t venture on the hills.

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Dave Roberts

Dave Roberts founded Walk Eryri in 2004, with the aim of providing routes that are off the beaten track. Walk Eryri is now part of Mud and Routes which continues to provide more off beat routes and walks in Snowdonia and beyond. Dave has been exploring the hills of Eryri for over thirty years, and is a qualified Mountain Leader. Dave also established Walk up Snowdon, Walk up Scafell Pike and Walk up Ben Nevis just to mention a few.

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