Nathan Lock Laces Review
By Dave Roberts
on May 11, 2014 No ratings yet.
Posted in Footwear, Outdoor Gear Reviews, Trail RunningNathan, running
Nathan Lock Laces Review
I’m always finding that the laces on my Merrel Sonic Gloves don’t stay tied, especially in the wet, and was getting rather fed up of having to stop and get them sorted two or three times on a run. It’s not that I can’t tie my laces properly either! It never happens on hill walks or running with any of my other shoes. So I was intrigued to give these Nathan Lock Laces a go, despite the rather shocking £7.99 price tag. Not only do you no longer have to tie the laces, they turn shoes into slip-ons as well. This didn’t really work for these minimalist shoes, but they’re a pain to get on anyway!
For that princely sum, you get two rather long lengths of elasticated cord, two toggles and two clasps to tidy the end of the laces with. That’s something you could probably get separately for a lot less than these. They were easy enough to fit, with the length of elasticated cord being enough to do both these shoes, and comfortably enough for your running shoes.
It’s clear we’ve got gripes about the price, but do they work? The first test was a 15km trail run, and the two images below are the before and after shots. It’s clear that they held the laces in place, firmly, and this was something they’ve done on all the subsequent runs I’ve used them.
Overall, they perform flawlessly. But you can pick up the individual items from Amazon for a few pounds, and for this price you could arguably convert all your running shoes. In typical Mud and Routes fashion, we’ve already got these individual items, not only cheaply, but hanging around the office doing nothing. We’ll be converting the other pair of Sonic Gloves to those in the coming weeks and we’ll keep you posted. If you got two of these for the price, then we’d give them 5*, but they’re just a bit expensive.
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