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Eric Jones – Adventure to the extreme

By Tryfan Williams   

on November 13, 2014    No ratings yet.

Eric Jones – Adventure to the extreme

Adventure to the Extreme

Ascending the highest mountains in the world

Base jumping from the highest waterfall in the world

Ballooning over Everest

These are the few achievements of Eric Jones, a modest man from Wales who is known world over for his climbing and feats of extreme adventure. After years of persuasion he’s finally released his autobiography, and I was lucky enough to be at the launch last night and was gifted a signed copy (thanks dad for the early Christmas gift!)

For those who haven’t heard of Eric, check out this clip from You Tube I found.

Being a proud Welshman this first print is in his mother tongue, but fear not as the publishing house, Carreg Gwalch, announced an English version will be released in 2015.

So if you’re looking for a great Christmas gift for an aspiring adventurer this is a bargain at £9.00, available at all good Welsh bookshops, and via the Carreg Gwalch website.

Picture Credit : http://www.heason.net/speakers/portfolio/eric-jones/

(Welsh language post below)

Antur I’r Eithaf

Dringo’r mynyddoedd uchaf yn y byd

Neidio BASE oddi ar ben rhaeadr uchaf y byd

Balwnio dros Everest

Dyma rai o gampau Eric Jones, y dyn gwylaidd o Gymru sydd yn fyd enwog am ei ddringo a’i gampau o antur i’r eithaf. Wedi blynyddoedd o berswad mae wedi rhyddhau ei hunangofiant, ac mi roeddwn ddigon lwcus i fod yn y lansiad neithiwr, ble cefais copi wedi ei arwyddo (diolch Dad am yr anrheg Nadolig buan!)

Yn Gymro balch mae’r argraffiad cyntaf yma yn ei fam iaith, ond i’r rhai sydd a diddordeb mae’r argraffdy, Carreg Gwalch, wedi cyhoeddi y bydd fersiwn Saesneg yn cael ei rhyddhau yn 2015.

Felly os yn chwilio am anghreg Nadolig wych i un sydd wrth ei fodd gyda antur mae’r llyfr yma yn fargain am £9.00, ar gael ym mhob siop lyfrau Gymraeg da, a hefyd trwy wefan Carreg Gwalch.

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Tryfan Williams

I’m a Welshman born and raised in the shadow of Snowdonia, and you could say the Mountains are in my blood with a name like Tryfan! I would class myself as a relative newcomer to the outdoor pursuits arena, and so my articles will be my attempt to chronicle my adventures, hopefully learning as I go and giving those that are in a similar boat an insight / forum to share and learn.

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