Binn Mhor

Summit Details

About Binn Mhor

Binn Mhor is a mountain summit in the region in the county of Galway, Ireland. Binn Mhor is 661 metres high with a prominence of 408 metres. The summit can be identified by: ground within 1m of trig point Additional Notes: Height/Drop/Col position from Harvey Map All the walks up Binn Mhor on Mud and Routes can be seen above.

Walks up Binn Mhor

Summit Map for Binn Mhor

Binn Mhor Summit Stats

Height in Metres: 661 metres

Height in Feet: 2169 feet

Range: Maamturks

Prominence: 408 metres

Parent Summit: 0

Grid Reference: L918493

Col Height: 253

Col Grid Reference: L904503

Summit Classification: Arderin, Dillon, Hewitt Hills in England Wales and Ireland, Marilyn Hills In the UK, Sim, Vandeleur-Lynam

National Park, County or Country: Galway, Ireland, Maamturks

Recommended Maps: Discovery Map 44  

Data with AcknowledgementDatabase of British and Irish Hills

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