A Walk to Llyn Hywel in the Rhinogydd
By Dave Roberts
on September 27, 2012 5/5 (1)
A Walk to Llyn Hywel in the Rhinogydd
A short yet adventurous walk in to the Rhinogydd. It may only be 9km long, but crosses terrain typical of the rough Rhinogydd, so allow a good 4 hours as it can be very slow going especially if you lose the path. It’s not recommended that you try and set off cross country in this part of the world, unless you take some sort of perverse pleasure in that, as the mix of heather and boulders makes travel off path painfully slow.
Llyn Hywel nestles between the towering Rhinog Fach and the less imposing, yet high point of the range, Y Llethr.
There are no facilities to speak of, so come prepared!
The Route
Click here to view the full description and download a printable route guide and map.
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