Hydro Flask First Impressions
By Dave Roberts
on June 1, 2016 No ratings yet.
Posted in Food, Other Suff, Outdoor Gear Reviewshydration
Hydro Flask First Impressions
Dave Roberts gives his first impressions of the Hydro Flask insulated water bottle that claims to keep your drink cold for 24 hours or hot for 6.
When this popped through the door, I expected a standard water bottle, albeit a good looking one. I didn’t realise that it’s actually quite a novel water bottle. The Hydro Flask is a tough stainless steel double walled bottle with a grippy powder coating that keeps drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for 6 hours. This puts it somewhere between a sturdy water bottle and a full blown flask. They’ve been popular over in the States for a while now, and have just made their way over to the UK.
I tried it out on a shortish walk up Tal y Fan, with tap water in both the Hydro Flask and a water bottle, and the water in the plastic bottle was definitely warmer than the Hydro Flask. We’ll be testing that a bit more thoroughly over the coming weeks though, especially with the hot drinks. This could be a useful bit of kit for winter conditions, as anyone who’s left a platy of water out overnight and end up carrying 2 kilos of ice off the mountain might appreciate.
The Hydro Flask is available now for £24.99, for the regular mouthed 621ml version or £35 for the 900ml wide mouthed version.
What the Manufacturer Says:
- Easy to Transport
- Versatile, middle-of-the-road size
- Universal Benefits
- TempShieldTM Protected
- Keeps cold up to 24 hours
- Keeps hot up to 6 hours
- 18/8 Pro Grade Stainless Steel
- BPA-Free and Phalate-Free
- Durable, sweat-free powder coat finish (or our Classic Stainless option)
- Lifetime Warranty
- Compatible with Standard Loop Cap and Sport Cap
- Capacity: 21oz/621ml
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