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Chocolate Protein Brownies

By Tryfan Williams   

on November 3, 2013    No ratings yet.

Posted in Outdoor Articles

Chocolate Protein Brownies


The Chocolate Protein Brownie offers a slightly more indulgent pre/post gym snack going into the winter months.

The science bit

Peanut butter is high in monounsaturated fats

Almond milk is rich in fibre and vitamin E, and has more calcium than any other nut

Protein powder of your choice gives you a fix pre or post gym


1 cup of your favourite Chocolate Protein Powder (Mine is Muscle Pharm’s Combat)

1/2 cup of almond milk

1/2 cup peanut butter (or almond butter)

1/3 cup of stevia (or 2/3 cup of sugar)

1/2 tsp vanilla

1/2 cup egg whites (or 2 eggs)

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

How to make

Preheat the oven (Gas mark 6).

Heat your peanut butter in a saucepan over a low heat, or for 20 seconds in the microwave, then mix with the stevia in a mixing bowl. Then add your eggs along with the vanilla. In a separate bowl mix the protein powder, baking soda and salt, then move to mix both bowls together. Add the almond milk while whisking to reach a batter like mixture.

Grease a baking tray, and then transfer your mix evenly. Place tray in the oven and leave to cook for 25mins. Then cut up into snack sized squares.

You should get 8-10 squares depending on how mean you are with your portion allocation! Once cooled place in an air tight container with a square of kitchen roll on the bottom.

Tryfs Top Tips

Wrap in Clingfilm and pop in your bag for a snack that should survive a day without refrigeration.


If looking to boost the flavour why not melt some dark chocolate in a bowl over boiling water and spread over the top, place in the fridge to harden and you’ll have a Super Brownie, ideal for a pre-gym boost  with added cocoa. (I used a 74% cocoa Ivory Coast plain choc bar)..

Get cracking and come back to us with your attempts.

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Tryfan Williams

I’m a Welshman born and raised in the shadow of Snowdonia, and you could say the Mountains are in my blood with a name like Tryfan! I would class myself as a relative newcomer to the outdoor pursuits arena, and so my articles will be my attempt to chronicle my adventures, hopefully learning as I go and giving those that are in a similar boat an insight / forum to share and learn.

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