
Kitting Up For Winter Running

Apart from having to drag my lazy ass out of a toasty warm bed in the morning, I’m a lover of winter running. Once you’ve got yourself going, there’s nothing like the cold crisp air in your lungs and the crunch of winter frost underfoot. For one thing it is not as exhausting as running

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The King is Dead….

My Garmin 305 Forerunner finally died on me…. Had I either the time or the inclination (and quite possibly the skill and a soldering iron) I might easily have repaired it, instead it’s thrown into one of my many junk drawers – but the one reserved for odd bits of mobile phones and numerous chargers

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WIMM – Wearable Android Platform

WIMM Labs recently announced a multifunctional, wearable android device.  Will this take over from your GPS watch and mp3 player soon? Following on from our review of android running apps, one of the issues we found was carrying the phone with you. This would be a much more elegant solution. It’s also water resistant, so along

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Get runnin’

Maybe you’ve been inspired by Sunday’s London Marathon, but something’s got that little seed planted in your head that you want to get into running. You may have been talked into, against your will, into doing a charity 5k, or decided that you’ve squeezed into those size 38 trews (male or female!!) for the last time.

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Trail Running Challenges?

Fancy something different from your usual on Good Friday? Trailblaze are offering you an interesting challenge. On the 22nd of April with the South West Coast Path, they’ll be going live with a challenge to all trail runners to get onto one of the National Trails and get running. Not only that, but if you register

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The sub 2 hour marathon

With the London Marathon coming up, which is of course the only marathon organised in the UK, the BBC have put together an interesting infographic showing how the men’s world record for the marathon has fallen over the last century from 3 hours to 2:03:59 and go on to predict either that an Ethiopian will break the

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Spring and the Gnat Diet…

It’s definatley summer now. No, not due to the daylight savings on Saturday but the fact that the average runner can now complete a 12k run and sustain themselves, much in the manner of plankton filtering whales, on the content of the air. Gnats and suchlike are high in protein, and even if you need

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From a bimbler to a runner

While some of you may already be aware of the Walk Eryri website, that has been about the more sedate activity of walking up to now. Part of the reason, I suppose, that the site has been so quiet over the last year is that I’ve been struggling with this running malarkey. I think, during

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