Super Hill Foods 9 – Flask of Soup
By Dave Roberts
on March 22, 2017 No ratings yet.
Posted in Food, Other Suff, Outdoor Gear Reviews, Walkingcamping gourmet, hill food, mnom mnom, winter gear
Super Hill Foods 9 – Flask of Soup
Winter is still with us yet, and there’s only one way to make those winter lunches tolerable. Piping hot soup.
Now if I claim that the only soup for this is tomato, and Heinz Cream of Tomato from a tin at that, I’m sure I’ll get people’s hackles up. I’m not about to do that as for me it’s cream of tomato, for others it’s mullagatawny, chicken or even vegetable. So lets assume when I mention soup that I mean your favourite piping hot soup. Of course, if you like gazpacho you’re reading the wrong post.
On reaching the summit, cold and damp, a thimbleful of soup, as that’s often all you get in the cups of the smaller thermos, gets you warmed up slowly. Sandwiches, starting to freeze in the cold can be dipped in, thawed and made into a warm meal instead of cold comfort. Better still if you take great big hunks of buttered, rusty bread (that’s crusty rustic bread) with you in anticipation of a warm mountain lunch.
Half way down, you stop again, and yes there’s just a cupful left. Just enough to give you the edge for the rest of the descent.
Chicken Soup Recipe
Even more appealing is that anyone can cook soup easily enough:
- Carcass and some meat.
- Chopped Onion, large.
- Couple of potatoes.
- Seasoning and maybe some rosemary.
Simply boil the carcass for a few hours to make some stock.
Drain the carcass, keeping any meat, and add the chopped onion and potato. Any other veg will add flavour, but carrot gives the final soup an off putting orange tinge. Some garlic is good if you like that sort of thing, which I do, just not to over do it.
Boil these until they’re nice and soft before blending.
You’ll only need to add some salt and pepper, any chicken you have left, finely chopped and perhaps some herbs to add some flavour or cream if you want a richer soup. Sprinkle some parsley or better still, finely chopped chives on the top.
This makes a light, healthy soup best enjoyed on the mountain accompanied by real bread with real butter to give it a bit more body.
Dave Roberts
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