Kinder Scout Moorland Edge Walk
By Dave Roberts
on February 20, 2015 5/5 (1)
Posted as a walk in – Dark Peak, Derbyshire, England, Europe, Peak District National Park
Kinder Scout Moorland Edge Walk
Route Essentials
Route Summary
See the end of the article for local information about parking, public transport facilities, pubs and cafes.
12.35 kmAscent
486 mTime
Calculate the time using Naismith’s Rule and factor in your own pace.
Start Location
Weather Forecast:
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Remember that we cannot outline every single hazard on a walk – it’s up to you to be safe and competent. Read up on Mountain Safety , Navigation and what equipment you’ll need.
Kinder Scout Moorland Edge Walk Ordnance Survey Map and GPX File Download
Kinder Scout Moorland Edge Walk
This route from Edale follows the Pennine Way initially as far as Edale Cross, before following the good path along the edge of the Kinder Plateau. It then descends to Edale via Grindsbrook Clough.
The rock sculptures, such as the Wool Packs, are a particular feature of this route, and can be quite unnerving in thick mist if not expected! There’s also extensive restoration work being undertaken to restore the peat bog habitat.
Click here to view the full description and download the route in a new window (external site). The link to the ‘vision’ doesn’t work on the NT site, so there’s the NT High Peak Moors Vision and Plan
Local Information and Recommended Maps and Guidebooks
Route Summary:
This walk includes the Hewitt of Kinder Scout
This walk includes the Nuttall of Kinder ScoutRoute Start Location:
Distance |
Ascent |
Time |
12.35 km | 486 m |
Calculate the time using Naismith’s Rule and factor in your own pace.
Activivity Type:
Summits and Places on this Route
Check out the businesses nearby for more places to stay and drink.
Remember that we cannot outline every single hazard on a walk – it’s up to you to be safe and competent. Read up on Mountain Safety , Navigation and what equipment you’ll need.
Parking :
Public Transport:
Weather Forecast:
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Dave Roberts
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